Tag Archives: conductor

The Dusty Shelf

ImageI’ve always been a reader. Since I was a child, there were few things I loved more than a good book. My mom still swears that my siblings & I were reading on our own by the age of three. Maybe it was the countless episodes of Sesame Street or the stacks of Little Golden Books that were often strewn about. Who knows; I’m still not sure if I believe her.

From grade school through graduate school, my passion for reading continually increased. The smell of a new book fresh off the press, the curiosities surrounding an old book found. Both excited my senses & captured my full attention, as a conductor would capture that of his concertmaster. 

Be it poetry, science fiction, one of inspiration, an autobiography or even a cookbook, I loved, and still love, books of all kinds. 

Just recently I was trying to think of the last book I had read. Regrettably, I couldn’t. The thought of this saddened me as I realized I had kicked one of my lifelong loves to the curb in exchange for life’s busyness. Without haste, I came to the resolution that I would no longer make excuses for the dust on my shelves. I would no longer blame my empty bookcase on working long hours, not enough time in the day, having kids & simply put, having more important things on my agenda. 

So today is that day. My 33rd birthday. I begin my journey. I’m dusting my shelves & filling them up. I invite you to join me. You never know how the story may end…  

What about you? Do you have an empty shelf?